Saturday - 4:00 PM
Sunday - 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
Monday-Thursday - 7:30 AM

Join us live every Saturday night for the 4:00 PM Vigil Mass or watch the recording after the stream ends. All Mass streams will be available through the parish YouTube channel for up to one year after airing.
Pleaes note that when the Youth Music Ministry is scheduled to sing, 4:00 PM Vigil Mass is not life streamed and a Sunday mass is streamed instead.
St. Margaret Mary Parish Office Information
The Parish Lobby Doors will be open for drop-offs during normal business hours (Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 4:00PM).
The Parish Office is open to the public during normal business hours. Please see our Visit Us page for more information.

Three new priests in the Diocese of Greensburg are now sharing their love of Jesus! Will you share your support of priestly vocations? Your donations are used for formation, and Lent is a Time to Share!
Click here to give a gift to priestly vocations.

Weekly updates are posted every Saturday morning.
Over the next four weeks (March 15, March 22, March 29, and April 5) we will be exploring the parts of the Mass.
Click here to read more!
The Diocese of Greensburg requires all clergy, parish, cemetery, school employees, and all volunteers age 18 or older to have a full set of valid clearances on file prior to work or ministry in the Diocese.
Click here to learn more or to begin your clearance applications online.
If you have questions, please reach out to Michael Discello, Safe Environment Coordinator, at mdiscello@dioceseofgreensburg.org
Eucharistic Adoration will take place on Friday March 28th (Until the completion of construction) from 3:30PM - 7:30 PM.
Click here to read the highlights from our most recent Pastoral Council Meeting on March 11, 2025.
recent baptisms, marriages, and more

Evelyn Jolie Fisher with parents Joseph and Bianca, Fr. John and Godparents Robert and Nicole Fisher.

St. Margaret Mary NEws & Upcoming Events
As a way of imitating Jesus, perhaps we can all better recognize the importance of Lent as A Time to Share. Bishop Larry J. Kulick explains that acts of charity are central to the season that is upon us, and your support of the Diocesan Lenten Appeal is critical to the Mission of the Church!
Visit www.DioceseofGreensburg.org/DLA2025 to make a donation.
Watch the video located here to learn more about the campaign.
Please join us on Sunday, April 6th after the 11 AM Mass at St. Margaret Mary Church to make a Butter Paschal Lamb for your Easter dinner table!
Sign up by Monday, March 31th is required to ensure that we have sufficient supplies.
There is no cost for this event and all supplies will be provided.
Open to anyone age 10 or older.
Come down to the Sullivan Room after the 11 am Mass to enjoy this fun event.
Sign up forms are located here.
Stations of the Cross followed by Exposition and Benediction will take place at 6:30 PM (including on livestream) every Tuesday during Lent at St. Margaret Mary.
The Knights are selling raffle tickets based on the evening 3-digit PA daily number for their spring charity fundraiser.
Raffle tickets are $20 each and come with FOUR numbers/chances per ticket, good for the entire month of May 2025.
And if ANY of your FOUR numbers is drawn more than once, you win every time! To purchase tickets, contact Rick DeMoss at 724-493-4673.
Tickets will be on sale after all remaining masses starting March 29th and 30th and every weekend until all tickets are sold out. Don’t delay, only 250 tickets will be sold!
The Lower Burrell and New Kensington Young Adult Ministry welcomes you to Theology on Tap.
Thursday April 24th
Mogie’s Pub Lower Burrell
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Featuring speaker Kate Parkinson from the Diocese of Greensburg.
Appetizers provided - Cash bar available
Join us for an evening of faith, food, and fellowship with other adults ages 20s-40s. Bring a friend!
For more information contact HeatherHensley at hhensley@dioceseofgreensburg.org.
Friday June 13, 2025
Bus leaves St. Margaret Mary Parking Lot by 6:45am and returns about 9:30pm.
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Windsor, Ohio
Rhoda Wise House and Grotto
Adoration at Santa Clara Monastery
Holy Mass will be celebrated at one of the sites.
For Dinner at Hartville Kitchen, Restaurant and Bakery, each person will choose from the menu and will pay on their own. The meal is not included in the price of the trip.
Due to the fact that youth will be attending this pilgrimage, any person 18 or older who wants to make the pilgrimage must have clearances required by the Diocese of Greensburg. For more information on this, please contact Mary Murphy at SMM Parish office.
To sign up for the pilgrimage, please complete the form here and drop off in the black mail box at St. Margaret Mary café area with payment by March 7, 2025 or mail registration form and payment to St. Margaret Church 3055 Leechburg Rd. Lower Burrell, PA. 15068. Please mark the outside of your envelope with “Pilgrimage to Ohio Shrines.”
Please note that no youth will be turned away due to lack of funds.
If you must cancel your reservation, we cannot refund your payment. However, you may transfer it to someone who has clearances.
Join Father John on Monday evenings during this Lent as he shares the history, development and meditations on each of the Stations of the Cross.
Monday March 10, March 17th, and April 7th at 6:30 PM
St. Margaret Mary
Monday March 24th and March 31st at 6:30 PM
Mt. St. Peter
This ancient devotion calls us to enter into the Passion and death of Jesus as He willingly walks to Calvary to bring about our Salvation.
These fourteen steps allow us to encounter Jesus’ humanity and need for companions on the way. Jesus asks us to pick up our cross and follow Him through self-sacrifice and suffering so let us learn the way to bid to his command through this great devotion.
Camp Virtue is a day camp that allows 6th-8th grade youth the opportunity to explore their Catholic faith while also exploring the world around them. Camp Virtue will help participants to understand that they can enjoy each day to the fullest while being filled with faith and a love for God. Camp will include morning sessions of dynamic talks on the virtues, praise and worship, prayer, Mass, small group sharing, games, and much more.
After lunch we will depart via school bus for an EPIC EXPEDITION!!! This is your chance to experience something unforgettable - an action-packed journey that will challenge you, bring you closer to your faith, and create memories you’ll treasure forever. Trust us, this is an adventure you won’t want to miss!
Christ the King Church
125 Park Road Leechburg 15656
For more info, contact Heather Hensley, Regional Director of Youth Formation and Discipleship, at hhensley@dioceseofgreensburg.org
Check out the flyer here to learn more and see some of the EPIC ADVENTURES planned.
The mom and tots group will be adding an evening option! The March gatherings will be held on April 2nd from 9:30-11am and on April 16th from 6-7:30pm.
Please call or text Brianna Ruflin at 973-856-4472 for more details and to let her know you are interested in coming!
Take some time to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually for Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We have four upcoming Regional Lenten Penance Services that you can take part in. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
April 3 - Thursday - 6:00 p.m. Saint Gertrude – Vandergrift.
April 7 – Monday - 1:30 p.m. – Our Lady Queen of Peace – East Vandergrift.
April 10 – Thursday - 6:00 p.m. – Saint Mary Czestochowa - New Kensington
April 12 - Saturday - 1:00 p.m. - Saint Margaret Mary - Lower Burrell
The St. Margaret Mary Youth Music Ministry is excited to announce the 2025 Summer Youth Music Camp Registration is now open.
For Whom: Youth entering Grades 6-12 in the Fall 2025
What: Learn Vocal Technique, Experience ringing handbells or handchimes, Grow in your understanding of the holy Mass and the Saints, and Help to lead music for the 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday June 21st.
When: June 17-19 9:15am - 3:30pm, lunch provided
Participants will sing/play for 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday June 21st.
No prior singing or handbell experience is required.
For more information, contact Mary Murphy at 724-335-2336 x6320 or email mmurphy@dioceseofgreensburg.org.
Participants can register online here.
We look forward to making music and sharing the Catholic faith with you!
The Roman Catholic Parishes of Lower Burrell and New Kensington wish to congratulate and recognize the 2025 high school graduate on Sunday, May 18th. Invitations to this special Mass will be mailed in the coming weeks.
Best wishes to all our 2025 graduates!
Attention rising and current high school students! Registration is open for next year’s conferences. You have the opportunity to experience Jesus in an exciting and wonderful way with your friends and peers at the Steubenville Conference in Ohio on July 18-20, 2025 and The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in Indianapolis on November 20-22, 2025. Don’t miss these fun filled retreats with games, speakers, friends and Jesus!
For more information or to learn how to register contact Heather Hensley at 724-335-2336.
The regional Vacation Bible School program will take place beginning on Monday, June 23 through and including Friday, June 27 at Saint Margaret Mary Church. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for all children to experience a week of faith, fun and friendship.
Youth volunteers are needed to make the event a success. This is a great opportunity to earn service hours and help your parish community.
Click here to sign up.
Community and diocesan NEWS & events
Every 25 years, the Universal Church proclaims a Jubilee Year to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, repent of their sins, forgive the sins of others and renew a focus on their spiritual lives. On Christmas Eve, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, will begin the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope, “Pilgrims of Hope,” with the official Opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Click here to review the Jubilee 2025 events in the Diocese of Greensburg.
Click here to listen to the Jubilee 2025 hymn that we will begin using at St. Margaret Mary in the coming weeks.
Title is “Pilgrims of Hope” Text: Pierangelo Sequeri, tr. Andrew Wadsworth; Music: Francesco Meneghello
Click here to visit the Jubilee 2025 section of the Diocese of Greensburg website.
Mark your calendar for the next Kerygma Discipleship Retreat:
May 16-18, 2025
Christ Our Shepherd Center, Greensburg
The retreat is an opportunity to hear God’s call and experience a way to live our faith in the modern world through prayer and the Church community. It is open to all adults who desire to know Jesus in a deeper way. For information, visit here.
For more information, review the flyer located here
Click here to visit the New Kensington Catholic Community homepage for information regarding events happening at our neighbor parishes of St. Joseph, St. Mary of Czestochowa, and Mt. St. Peter.
Looking for an affordable education solution in the Alle-Kiski Valley? Private, Catholic education is available from preschool through high school at Mary Queen of Apostles School (MQA) in New Kensington and Saint Joseph High School (SJHS) in Natrona Heights.
Both schools are still enrolling students for this fall! If your child is in preschool to grade 8, consider enrolling them at MQA. For more information, contact Michelle Farrell at 724-339-4411 or visit the MQA website to learn more about an education focused on developing minds, building character, and strengthening faith.
SJHS offers a college preparatory education that encourages spiritual growth, academic excellence, and extracurricular participation. Many scholarships are available, making Catholic education even more affordable! Apply online at the SJHS website or contact the Admissions Office at 724-226-2819.