Youth Ministry Survey Request
Heather Hensley, Regional Director of Youth Formation and Discipleship, is asking families to complete the survey located here.
This will allow us to improve our youth ministry programs going forward.
The Moms and Tots group will have its January gatherings on February 5 and February 19 from 9:30-11:00am.
Please call or text Brianna Ruflin at 973-856-4472 for more details and to let her know you are interested in coming!
Come support our youth and their love for Jesus at their bake sale!
Members of the youth group will be outside after all Masses at Saint Margaret Mary and Mount Saint Peter on Saturday, February 8 and Sunday, February 9 raising funds to support their trips to Stubenville and NCYC this year.
Donations of baked goods will be accepted Friday February 7th in Sullivan Hall.
What is Steubenville and NCYC? Why are we fundraising?
Steubenville and NCYC are conferences for high school students. During these conferences young people are given the opportunity to connect with their Catholic faith through dynamic speakers, personal testimonies, opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, Mass, and small group discussions. They are also given the opportunity to experience Christ through their peers, with fun games, concerts and more! It is a chance for the youth to experience the universal church, empower young people for a mission, and have a personal encounter with Jesus. Many teens have said these conferences were life changing for them and changed their relationship with Jesus and their Catholic faith.
The theme for the Steubenville conference this year is “Consumed”
The theme for NCYC this year is “I Am”
Any support you can give for our young people to attend these conferences is greatly appreciated!
We invite you to join Father John Moineau in his final presentation of the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Eucharist on Monday February 10th at 6:30 pm in St. Margaret Mary Church.
4th Mystery: Presentation of the Child in the Temple
“Now My Eyes Have Seen the Salvation”
Simeon reveals the Spiritual Nature of Jesus.
Anna reveals the Human Nature of Jesus.
5th Mystery: Finding the Lost Child in the Temple
The search for the child Jesus is our call to rediscover the Christ and the joyful encounter of Him in the Sacrament of Confession: returning to the Church as the lost sheep who is found. How Mary’s search for her child is likened to her search for our “loved ones” returned to her Son.
FamilyLife Network's Ladies Tea Fundraiser
The FamilyLife Network (formerly known as the TryLife Center) will hold their Ladies Tea Fundraiser.
Saturday February 8th
11:00 to 1:00 PM
Mt. St. Peter
Adult Tickets: $25, Child Tickets: $10
To purchase tickets, please click here or call 724-339-9399 ×106.
Stubenville and NCYC Registration and Information
Attention rising and current high school students! Registration is open for next year’s conferences. You have the opportunity to experience Jesus in an exciting and wonderful way with your friends and peers at the Steubenville Conference in Ohio on July 18-20, 2025 and The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in Indianapolis on November 20-22, 2025. Don’t miss these fun filled retreats with games, speakers, friends and Jesus!
For more information or to learn how to register contact Heather Hensley at 724-335-2336.
Eucharistic Adoration Schedule
Eucharistic Adoration will take place at St. Margaret Mary from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM every Friday.
Please consider spending these Fridays in prayer and reflection with our Lord Jesus Christ. Come and glory in the Risen Lord!
Are you interested in becoming part of the Eucharistic Adoration Ministry? Members commit to spending time with our Lord on a regular basis, whichever is convenient to you, to ensure that at least two people are always present during sessions of adoration. Click here to sign up.
Save the Date
The regional Vacation Bible School program will take place beginning on Monday, June 23 through and including Friday, June 27 at Saint Margaret Mary Church. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for all children to experience a week of faith, fun and friendship.
Stay tuned for more information in the spring.