St. Margaret Mary Pastoral Council


Mission Statement

We, the members of St. Margaret Mary Pastoral Council, serve our pastor as the instrument of evangelization in our parish. We are the forum in which our pastor and the lay faithful gather to discern the pastoral and spiritual needs of our parishioners and help them to live out their baptismal call in their daily lives.

We do this by supporting, assisting and strengthening the various "tables" of human interaction in our ministries, leading up to the Eucharistic Table of Christ. Through these gatherings, we are nourished and empowered to share Christ's love with each other, the community and the world.

Members of Pastoral Council:

Dianna Aubele, Dianne Bohaychick, Jeff Cox, LeRoy Dastolfo, Rick DeMoss, Linda Dolmajer, Beth Fazzini, Allen Flemm, Kevin Hartford, Mike Kardibin, Cindy Kost, Dianne Lucas, James Musolino, George Ziringer


PAstoral Council Meeting HighLIGHTS

February 11, 2025

Parish Ministries.  Consistent with our mission statement, Council will have a renewed focus on the health of our ministries. Starting next month, Council will invite one ministry leader to our meeting, listen to their concerns, and inquire as to how we can assist them in their needs. 

Consolation Ministry.  This ministry is up and running. They have done three (3) funerals to date. Families have been very appreciative.

Youth Ministry Jubilee ShrineTrip.  Council is considering using some of the money earned from last year’s golf outing to defray the cost of bus rental for youth group who are planning on attending the Jubilee Shrine Trip to Ohio.

Youth Ministry Volunteer Appreciation. Ten-dollar gift cards were purchased and gifted to the parish youth volunteers and wooden crosses were gifted to altar servers by Pastoral Council at the end of 2024.

Faith Formation Ministry.  Pastoral Council will be contacting potential speakers to participate in our Lenten Speaker Spotlight series. 

Community Outreach.  LB Christmas in the Woods.  This event was very well-received, with an estimate of over 1,000 in attendance. St. Margaret Mary Church was well represented by volunteer greeters and donated gifts for the children.

                                                                                                                                Church Environment Improvements

  • Votive Candles.  Father Ken is looking into increasing the number of votive candles in the narthex due to their popularity. 

  • Incense Sensitivity.  For parishioners who are sensitive to incense, an announcement will be placed in upcoming bulletins informing which services will use incense. 

  • Sound System.  The new sound system for the hearing impaired is in full operation. A reminder will be placed in the bulletin to notify those who would like to take advantage of this feature.

2024 Pastoral Council projects