Prayers for Vocations

Prayer for Vocations

O Holy Spirit, Spirit of wisdom and divine love, impart Your knowledge, understanding, and counsel to youth that they may know the vocation wherein they can best serve God. Give them courage and strength to follow God’s holy will. Guide their uncertain steps, strengthen their resolutions, shield their chastity, fashion their minds, conquer their hearts, and lead them to the vineyards where they will labor in God’s holy service.


Prayer for Vocations - Mary, Queen of Clergy

Lord, you call each of us to service in your Kingdom.
Through the intercession of Mary, we place before you all who are discerning your call. In a particular way, we pray for all men who are seeking to answer your invitation, “Come follow me.”

Please help them discover your plan for their lives.
May they be open to priesthood, marriage, religious or single life, and respond generously to your call.

Help them to know themselves.
Help them to overcome their fears.
Help them to want what you want.
Help them to trust you completely.

Send your Holy Spirit in their minds and hearts so they can see the gifts you have given them and hear your call to serve the Church.
Increase their desire to bring others to you and help them reach heaven.

Mary Most Holy, Queen of Clergy, pray for them, that they can discover their vocation and have the courage to respond in faith.


Prayer for Vocations in the Diocese of Greensburg

Heavenly Father,
Your loving providence accompanies us on our life’s journey.
Thank you for the many gifts you have given us.
We ask that you continue to call sons and daughters
from our families and parishes to serve as priests, deacons,
and consecrated men and women in the Diocese of Greensburg.
Send your Spirit upon us so that many will respond with great love
to your call to service and leadership in your Church.
Give to those you have chosen the faith of the apostle, the vision of the prophet,
and the courage of the martyr.
Through the intercession of our Diocesan patroness, Our Lady of the Assumption,
help us to be faithful disciples of your Son by following the example of Mary.
Make us generous in sharing ourselves and our talents
for the sake of your Kingdom on Earth.
We ask this through Christ the Risen Lord.

Imprimatur The Most Reverend Lawrence E. Brandt, JCD, PhD
Bishop of Greensburg
August 15, 2004

Prayer To Know My Vocation

Lord, I want to be happy in this life and spend eternity with You in the life to come. From the first moment of my existence, You knew my vocation.

Please help me discover Your plan for my life. May I be open to priesthood, marriage, religious or single life, and respond generously to Your call.

Help me to know myself. Help me to overcome my fears. Help me to want what You want. Help me to trust You completely.

Send Your Holy Spirit into my mind and heart so I can see the gifts You have given me and hear Your call to serve the Church. Increase my desire to bring others to You and help them reach heaven.

Mary Most Holy, Mother of God, pray for me, that I can discover my vocation and have the courage to respond in faith.


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